Large or major appliances are considered durable goods meaning a product that does not quickly wear out and is expected to last for at least three years. In fact, the average appliance life is 8-12 years from our experience. Therefore, the average consumer shopping for a new appliance have not purchased one for many years, even decades. For this reason, many people in the market for any type of durable good are not well acquainted with the products they are looking to buy.
Logically, you want to know want to make an educated decision on a major purchase. A basic understanding of the types, features, benefits, and estimated costs associated would go a long wat towards giving you an good start. In this guide, we attempt to give an overview of the different types of kitchen and laundry appliances that are available today. And to explain what the diffences are, what the advantages or benifits may be, and the estimated price ranges.
We hope you enjoy reading this guide, but as always, feel free to contact us for any further assistance - our appliance experts are factory trained and many have decades of experience.